

I’m tired of seeing all of these unrealistic relationship standards on social media. “The best thing about this life is that I met you” “Me begging my girlfriend to send me pictures of her because she’s just so perfect” I’ve never met anyone perfect. There’s always something you fantasise being different in a person. What if she was a little more adventurous? What if she was less neurotic? What if she had bigger tits? That doesn’t mean she’s not beautiful or a wonderful person, there’s always some kind of beauty. But I’ve never met anyone I felt I could love

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I’m an addict and affection is my drug. It’s the only thing that seems to keep the loneliness at bay, at least for a while. My craving makes me do weird things, and when I get it, my next impulse is to figure out how to get more. Take care of me. Love me. Give me warmth. Give. Give. But what do I give?

What is love?

It is a question that has been on my mind a lot recently. Though I am only 24 years of age, I believe I have experienced true love. And I have also lost it. Or rather, I have lost the person I love. Because even though she is no longer in my life, even though I know we cannot be together, I still love her. Whenever I’m alone and drifting through the wind, I think of her. I think of the feeling she gave me when I was close to her. I think of how everything in the world was

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I love Hollywood. I love what it represents. The debauchery, the corruption of the soul. I am not a clean person and I do not want to be one. I want to be tempted and to give in to those temptations. I want to experience. I want to see the darkest corners of life. I am not a person who accepts life as it is and who seeks tranquility and contentment. I seek excitement, passion, thrill. I seek to be on the fringes of society, living the life others are too afraid to live. There’s always time for enlightenment later.

The Ultimate Sacrifice

I never wanted to have kids. But lately, I’ve been warming to the idea. The idea of making sacrifices for someone else. The idea of loving someone more than myself. The idea of caring for someone, of investing my entire existence into their success. Maybe it is through this ultimate sacrifice that one finally unlocks the secrets to love and happiness. But I also fear it. Not because of what I would have to give up, but because of the suffering that I might impose on them by creating a new human experience. No one chooses to be born, and

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