
Highly Gifted

Both my mom and a woman in my class sent me the same article about giftedness today. I was diagnosed as highly gifted as a child, but I never really knew about all the negative sides it came with. To me, it feels weird thinking that something that sounds so positive (yet so arrogant to say about yourself) could have such a negative effect on me as well. My crippling perfectionism, my emotional intensity and instability, my loneliness, the idea that I might be a narcissist, all could just be the result of my high giftedness. When I started up

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Disclaimer: the sentiment in this post was just a snapshot of how I felt at the time. I have since been informed that my words are quite hurtful and I now regret this post. Rather than delete it, I have expanded on it below in an attempt to be more nuanced in my expression. The first semester ended on kind of a sad note. The group projects were supposed to be the climax, a first chance to meet people and form bonds with those you will work with in later years and maybe even in the real world. But for

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Sometimes I feel like no one understands me. Like I’m alone in this world, no purpose, no meaning, completely disconnected. Everything I do matters only to myself. But sometimes someone comes along that makes me feel alive. Someone who makes me do crazy things and reminds me that I am not on my own. They arrive in the form of a friend or a lover, and sometimes those lines blur. It’s beautiful. But then it ends. I guess I’ll just be waiting for someone to come along.


There is coldness in your warmth, distance in your proximity. Who am I in your head? Who are you? You are in my head but you are also out there. You stir things up up there. Chaos and destruction is all around. I welcome it. But will something be left when the dust settles? Or will it just be me, sitting alone, looking at the shards, trying to figure out how they fit together? You are not the person in my head. I try to be in your head, but I should just be. I welcome you to enter my

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The following is an essay about Head, a video by Cheryl Donegan, written as part of an assignment for a course about media art. The main word I would use to describe Head is ‘arousing’. To me, it feels like a piece of inexplicit porn, meant to sexually stimulate the viewer, especially the heterosexual male viewer. Perhaps that’s the reason why this work is the only one that stuck around in my head out of all the pieces of media art shown in class.  NOTE: The following paragraph contains personal, sexually explicit details. It is not my intention to shock

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