Sitcoms aren’t the enemy

For a long time, I used sitcoms to escape reality. I imagined I was part of the friend group or family I was watching because I lacked my own. I was lonely. It became an addiction. (I call this phenomenon The Sitcom Friendship)

So last summer, I decided to try to beat my addiction and eschew sitcoms. I thought they were foul, not worthy, and that I should direct my attention at ‘real’ art, especially since I wanted to become a great director. But honestly, I’ve never been the artsy type. I’ve never gotten along with other artsy types either. I like common people who don’t think too highly of themselves and who admire me. Maybe it makes me a narcissist to want to be around this type of person, but whatever.

When I think about what my real dream in life is, then it’s to be a star. To be considered talented and funny. To be in front of large crowds laughing. To inspire people and change their lives. I want to be a comedian. On a stage, on YouTube, in a sitcom or in a movie, it doesn’t really matter. I don’t have to choose. I’ll give them all a shot.

But I have to actually give it a shot.

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